The BCATA Mission
The British Columbia Art Therapy Association (BCATA) was founded in 1978 to foster the professional development of art therapy in British Columbia. The Association acts as a provincial voice governing the standards and practice of the profession and its practitioners.
The BCATA provides professional registration for art therapists in British Columbia which entitles them to use BCATR after their name. The Association also upholds the BCATA Code of Ethics and encourages research with respect to art therapy. It is a registered non-profit society in BC.
The Executive Committee
BCATA has an executive committee of professional members, which are nominated and elected by the professional membership every two years for a two-year term. Student members nominate one student representative from each training institute operating in British Columbia to be appointed to the executive for each academic year.
To contact any of the Executive Committee members by email – admin@bcarttherapy.com
Elected Members
vacant – if you are interested and would like to receive the job description for this position please contact us.
Vice President
Craig Lee
Recording Secretary
Sally Fraser
Corresponding Secretary
vacant – if you are interested and would like to receive the job description for this position please contact us.
Membership Chair
Heather Hassenbein
Caro Embling
Student Representatives
KATI Student Rep
Position Vacant
VATI Student Rep
Position Vacant
Adler Student Rep
Position Vacant
St. Stephen’s Student Rep
Position Vacant
Appointed Members
Ethics Chair
Demill Keevil
Ethics Committee
Sophia Schneider
Events Chair
Position Vacant
Events Committee
vacant – if you are interested and would like to receive the job description for this position please contact us.
Social Media Chair
vacant – if you are interested and would like to receive the job description for this position please contact us.
FACT-BC Representative
Craig Lee
CATA/OATA/BCATA Alliance Representative
vacant – if you are interested and would like to receive the job description for this position please contact us.
Supervision Consultant
vacant – if you are interested and would like to receive the job description for this position please contact us.
Marketing & Promotions
vacant – if you are interested and would like to receive the job description for this position please contact us.
Admin/ Web/ Bookkeeper – Paid Position
Merle – admin@bcarttherapy.com
General inquiries: info@bcarttherapy.com
Membership-related inquiries: membership@bcarttherapy.com
Our Constitution and Bylaws
1. The name of the Society is British Columbia Art Therapy Association.
2. The purposes of the Society are:
- to progressively develop the therapeutic use of art;
- to advance research with respect to art therapy;
- to improve standards of practice;
- to develop criteria for training art therapists;
- to provide vehicles for the exchange of information and experience;
- to aim treatment most effectively toward rehabilitation and the improvement of human welfare;
- to improve the effectiveness of those engaged in art therapy, through the means of meetings and seminars;
- to encourage the development of professional training opportunities in art therapy and attract people to the field of art therapy;
- to represent the interests of art therapists in the practice of their profession/occupation.
3. The Society shall be carried on without purpose of gain for its members and any profits or other accretions to the Society shall be used for promoting its objectives.
4. In the event that the Society should at any time be wound up or dissolved, the remaining assets after payment of all debts and liabilities shall be turned over to a recognized charitable organization in the Province or elsewhere in Canada as directed by the members.
5. Articles 3 and 4 are unalterable.
BC Art Therapy Association
Suite 123
101-1001 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC Canada V6H 4E4
We would be pleased to answer any questions you may have about Art Therapy or our Association.
PHONE: 1-604-878-6393
EMAIL: info@bcarttherapy.com
WEBMASTER: admin@bcarttherapy.com
© Copyright British Columbia Art Therapy Association | Website by Mighty Sparrow Design